Articles by Bishop Dr. Bradley Carey

The Accreditation Deception

An Alien Conspiracy

Are You Pro-Abortion, Pro-Evolution, Pro-Homosexual, Or Anti-God?

Are You Saved?

Christmas Message 2010

Christmas Message 2011

Christmas Message 2012

Christmas Message 2013

Christmas Message 2014

Christmas Message 2015

Christmas Message 2016

Christmas Message 2017

Christmas Message 2021

The Corruption of Christianity (Coming soon)

The Demon of Paranoia (Coming soon)

Even If You Disagree With Them, Pray For Our Leaders

The Fellowship Of Christ International On The Us Supreme Court And Homosexuality

The George Zimmerman Verdict And The Word Of God

Good Friday And Easter 2009

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2011

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2012

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2013

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2014

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2015

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2016

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2018

Good Friday And Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2019

Good Friday and Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2022

Good Friday and Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2023

Good Friday and Resurrection Remembrance Day Message 2024

Harry Potter: Enemy of God

Hurt Not The Oil And The Wine

In Bondage Or Free?

Just Because Your Church Leaders Said It, You Have To Follow It Without Question, Right?

Letter To President Vladimir Putin Of Russia [PDF Format]

National Atheist Day

Political Parties Are Not The Answer

The Defense Of The Church

The Question of Apostolic Succession

Scam Schools & Diploma Mills

The State Of Washington Slaps God In The Face

Taking A Stand Against Evil

Why Sin Is Running Rampant


Are The Mormons Christian?

Conversations With A Seventh-day Adventist Cultist (Coming soon)

Counterfeit Christian Churches

How To Recognize A Cult

Is Masonry A Religion?

Mormons in Space (a.k.a. Battlestar Galactica)

The Cult of Homosexuality

The Truth of Mormonism

Who is Quetzalcoatl?

Why Seventh-day Adventism is A Cult (Coming soon)

Why The Book of Mormon is a Fraud


Are You Pro-Abortion, Pro-Evolution, Pro-Homosexual, Or Anti-God?

The Bible on Abortion


A Cancer In The Body

Are You Pro-Abortion, Pro-Evolution, Pro-Homosexual, Or Anti-God?

From God Bless America To…God Is About To Damn America

God's Law Or Man's Law

Homosexuality And The Bible

Homophobic, Politically Correct, or Anti-Sin?

Sin Out of Control

The Cult of Homosexuality

The US Supreme Court And Homosexuality