Posted: 06 April 2012
Easter is celebrated in many lands and many cultures and in many different ways. But to those of us who are real Christians it must be celebrated in one way and one way only, that of honoring the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ! Any other meaning of this time of year is futile and of no real value. Christianity and Christianity alone if the only belief system that teaches that it founder, the true Son of God, was crucified upon the cross and three days later was resurrected from the dead. In no other belief system or religion has their found dies for them and come back from the dead.
In the world of today. we see churches no longer mentioning Jesus Christ at Easter. See the article at: We have seen many of these churches allow numerous non-biblical teachings to enter within and compromise on true Bible and Christian teachings, The have allowed the discussion of the "issue" of such things as abortion and homosexuality to come within, even though the Bible, the only Word of God, has clearly and expressively has forbidden such things for the Children of God.
Those who do follow the true teachings of the Bible are often scorned and ridiculed. Those who stand up against the manmade teachings that have been corrupting the Church from within are called names and harassed and attacked. Whenever a Church, any Church goes against the teaching of the word of God it is in grave error. Many of these churches try to use the Word of God to justify their teachings and beliefs, but they take the Scripture out of context and make it sound like it says more than it really does. We must take the Bible for what it says and we do not need the translation of interpretation of the Word by a mere man to tell us what it says.
The Bible tells us that we are saved by faith though grace (Ephesians 2:8-9). No amount of work on your part, no participation in "sacred" rites or practices can save you. It is by your belief in Christ and your belief that He alone can save you. This is the message that we must past on to the world. Yes we will have difficulty is passing the simplicity and truth of this message along to the unsaved. But no matter what comes across our path we must continually move forward and do the Will of God.
This is what we must do We must step forward boldly and speak the true Word of God from the Scriptures. We must ignore all attacks and ridicule. They only serve one purpose, to distract us from what we must do.
This Resurrection Day season, I challenge everyone reading this to go forth boldly in the Lord and share the true gospel and its meaning to someone lost in the darkness and ways of the world. Share with them what only the Love of Christ can do for us. Plant a seed in the unbeliever that only the Spirit of God can harvest and bring to true salvation in Christ.
May the One and Only Lord of this season be with all of you this Resurrection Day, and watch over and guide and protect you all in His name as you step forth boldly to share the Word of God with those that are of this world, before it's too late.