Posted: 09 June 2005
This article is in response to the Channel 3000 news article entitled, "Teen Gets Life Sentence For Helping Girlfriend End Pregnancy." This article may be found at:
A Texas teen has been given a life sentence for helping his girlfriend --- who wanted an abortion --- kill their unborn twins.
While this scumbag is where he now belongs, because his tramp can't be prosecuted because of her right to an abortion, one is forced to ask is he being sent up the river for fetalcide or for practicing medicine without a license?
To be consistent, shouldn't this sorry excuse for a man be heralded as a hero by the feminists because of his unwavering obedience and devotion to a wench whose only standard is her own murderous brand of existentialism?
What about the man's right of choice? Radical feminists will claim he had one before the act of copulation.
But what about the woman? Unless she was raped, the same applies to her as well. To say otherwise is to assume the weaker sex is possessed of an ignorance beyond any misconceptions rampant about females even in previous centuries.
Others will insist that stay-at-home abortions are just too dangerous for the "health" of the mother. But frankly, professional baby killers don't exactly have a spotless reputation in protecting the lives of their pregnant accomplices either.
The interest of the state comes down not so much to the protection of innocent human life as it is to monopolize the lucrative tradecraft of this diabolical industry.
Copyright 2005 by Frederick Meekins