The Purpose of Higher Learning - is to retain most of what is learned through this type of education.
I have developed this information based on "ancient methods," taught to the worlds spiritual leaders since and before Jesus The Christ. It is a method of truths, and enhancements to methods of truths, and enhancements to communicate this learned "knowledge," to pass on to "mankind," and to students seeking higher "Wisdom." "Wisdom," is Learning Under Correct Knowledge, of Truths, (L.U.C.K.). 'A seeker of Truth needs to, and must view all Truths to find the Truth; coupled with discernment. The Truth Shall Set You Free, from unproven dogmas.
The mind will absorb all that is read, the trick is to retrieve it into consciousness when needed for use, and then remember where you stored it for future use. This method has worked well for our "Ancient" and current 'Philosophers,' and 'Theologians,' who have 'knowledge,' and wisdom based on self-evident 'Truths,' with correct documented science of Body, Mind, and Spirit.
Tests, should, be used to teach the student, and not to trick the student. Preceding the test questions is a recap of the text to help the student reticulate. It is not always the quantity of questions asked on a test that is important. But, it is the quality of the test questions, which is important, the meat or heart of the learning, the rest of the writings or lessons are the staples or garnish. "Remember," One not only should be concerned with what 'One' feeds the body for health. "One," must also be concerned with what 'One' feeds the mind for mental health, or mental nourishments. The spirit is housed in the body and is nourished, by both the body and the mind, based on what one feeds the body and the mind, determines one's spiritual and physical being, valid or invalid, healthy or not healthy.
"Remember," (reticulate) when 'One' has eaten a savory meal, in 'recall' of that meal, it was the main condiment, which was remembered 'first', and then, secondly, the garnish around the savory meal, or main condiment. The 'mind', food works the same way as the body food works, food for the body, as food for thoughts, (the mind.) What are nourishments? Only YOU can answer that question! The seeker of truths!
Without Wisdom, or LUCK, Learning Under Correct Knowledge, 'You' will experience LOCK, locked out, Body, Mind, and Spirit. LOCK, or Lack Of Correct Knowledge, is starvation for the Body, Mind, and Spirit, or starving from lack of Truth, and Wisdom, for half-truths will only fill you half up, from your full nutritional needs, concerning the Body, Mind, and Spirit, or BMS.
Dr. Joseph S. Puleo, PhD
Author; Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse